Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Ethical Analysis of Policies

Ethical Analysis of Policies

Q Ethical evaluation of policies is an important area that needs to be addressed as part of the policy analysis process. Several ethical concepts and assumptions that might be addressed in a policy analysis include: • autonomy, • privacy, • beneficence, • justice, • nonmaleficence, • fidelity, and • accountability. Please present a criminal justice policy case study in which you apply ethical concepts and assumptions to identify and evaluate ethical conflicts. Next, present ideas for resolving these conflicts.

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Ethics is something that includes the concept of what is good and bad and also the moral duty and obligation that someone has towards the society and the people that living in it ("Definition of Ethic", 2019). When a policy is made by the legislature to deal with the criminal justice then it has to have in it some kind ethics in it for the policy is for everyone and it has to be made acceptable to everyone.